2D Mapping Lingkungan Indoor Menggunakan Lidar dan ROS untuk Mobile Robot


  • Hasvienda Mohammad Ridlwan Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
  • Sonki Prasetya Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
  • Muslimin Muslimin Politeknik Negeri Jakarta




mobile robot, Gmapping, 2D mapping


Currently, the application of control systems has been applied in various scientific fields including mechatronics and robotics. Applications in the branch of robotics are also growing day by day not only with conventional controls but also with intelligent systems. An autonomous robot in carrying out certain missions in an unknown environment requires information about the location itself and the environment through the map. A process to identify a position without a map is called a localization function on the robot. Mobile robots building maps and localization are two fundamental tasks when mobile robots work in indoor environments. With 2D laser scanning (LiDAR) data obtained in real-time, the robot can calculate the area of ​​all empty spaces in a room, then can choose the center of the room as its position for map building. The objective of this research is to implement a two-dimensional mapping method using LiDAR. The algorithm used in this study is the Gmapping Technique on ROS. The main purpose of this research is to map mobile robots with LIDAR sensors using the Robot Operating System for navigation and positioning of mobile robots. Through the actual experimental results, the mobile robot will move with a 2-dimensional mapping process.



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How to Cite

Ridlwan, H. M., Prasetya, S., & Muslimin, M. (2022). 2D Mapping Lingkungan Indoor Menggunakan Lidar dan ROS untuk Mobile Robot. Jurnal Mekanik Terapan, 3(2), 60–65. https://doi.org/10.32722/jmt.v3i2.4285