About the Journal

Focus and Scope
The editorial board welcomes innovative manuscripts from Engineering and Technology Fields. The scopes of this journal are:
- Architecture and Civil Engineering
- Electric, Electronic, Control, Electrical Engineering
- Physic, Material, and Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Publishing and Graphics Engineering
- Energy and Environmental Science Engineering

Peer Review Process
Peer-reviews assists the editor in making decisions to be accepted or rejected by an article that enters Journal Poli Teknologi, peer-reviewed (a sustainable partner) to conduct a blinded review and evaluation of papers that are reasonable in authors expertise. The reviewers do not know the author's name and the name of the author's institution as blind review. It means to avoid conflicts of interest and to assure the quality of the paper.

Open Access Policy
Jurnal Poli Teknologi provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi was first published by Politeknik Negeri Jakarta in 2002. It is published three times a year in January, May, and September. Each issue consists of a minimum of 5 articles/reviews.