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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Articles must be original scientific from research results and not published/submitted to other journals.
  • Articles are written in Indonesian or English according to the template with Microsoft Word.
  • The manuscript is written in Times New Roman with one (1) column abstract written in English and Indonesian. Article Systematics consists of two(2) columns except for figures and tables, one(1) column can be written
  • The systematics of the article are: Title, Author's name without a title, author's affiliation, and email address. Abstract in English and Indonesian. Minimum keywords 3. Introduction containing background, objectives, the scope of research, problems, and theoretical studies. Research Methods, Results, and Discussion, Conclusions Acknowledgments, Bibliography.
  • The title is written in large bold centered, 16pt. Title rating is bolded in 14pt capital letters, subsections are in bold 12pt. Do not use numbers/numbers in subsection titles.
  • The bibliography is endeavored to be no more than the last 10 years, references using primary sources, namely scientific articles in journals, research reports.
  • The bibliography is written chronologically according to the final alphabet of the author, namely; the author's name, year, the title of article/book, name of publisher, volume, and/or city.

Author Guidelines

1. Article has not been published in any other Media and does not contain any elements of plagiarism.
2. Types of articles that are suitable for publication include research reports (laboratory, field, archives), conceptual ideas, studies, theory applications, and issues reports.
3. Article is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English (preferable) using academic language and standard academic writing structure and composition. The article is typed 1,5 spaced in a quarto paper size (A4), between 4000-7000 (15-20 pages) in length, including references, pictures, and tables (or after layout in our standard format with a minimum of ten pages and space 1.
4. Article should be in the form of an essay with the following structure:
- Title (max 12 words): comprehensive, clear, precise, and does not contain subtitles. The title is written in capital letters with a font size of 14, formatted in bold and one space.
- Author’s name (without academic degree) with an e-mail address, institution’s name, and its address,
- Articles’ completion date should be written under the author’s address to show its contemporary
- Abstract is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, formulated in one paragraph containing 100-150 words representing the paper's aim, method, and result.
- Keywords in English and Bahasa Indonesia (5-7 words),
- Section and subsection: section and subsection title are written in bold with a font size of 12. The section title is written in capital letters, while the subsection title is written using title case and italic.
- The introduction (may include subsections) contains background, objectives, literature reviews, theoretical framework (if needed), and materials and methods.
- Results and discussion can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English, provide and discuss the problem and aim of the research
- Figure, table, and formula should include the title, number, and detailed information. It should be referred to in the text (figure title and number are written under the figure/picture, while table title and number are written above the table). The result displayed in a figure or table should be the final result. Figure and table are referenced by mentioning the number, not the position, such as “ below,” “above,” etc., but it should be “in table 4”, “in figure 2,” etc.
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement and thanks notes can be written precisely if needed
- References listed should be referred to in the article.
5. For reference, we recommend the authors use the IEEE referencing style (download here). Please also use Mendeley or Zotero in references.
6. Article should be submitted online on Jurnal Poli-Teknologi ( The article is written using Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx, but not in PDF).
7. Notifications of the receipt of the article and editorial decisions (whether the articles are accepted or not) will be informed to the authors by e-mail. Articles that are not published will not be returned to the authors.
8. Author must be willing to revise their article after reviewers have reviewed the Article.
9. A successful author is entitled to 1 (one) copy of the print issue in which the article appears.
10. The article must refer to the article template
11. The article must use Zotero or Mendeley.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.