1. Manuscripts received come from students, lecturers, researchers, industrial practitioners in accordance with the Focus and Scope of the SPEKTRAL Journal.
  2. All submitted articles have never been published before, or are not in the process of being reviewed in other journals.
  3. The language used in writing articles is Indonesian or English.
  4. Submitted files are created using a text editor such as OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect. Upload a file in .doc or .docx extension with a maximum size of 2 MB.
  5. The author is required to use the template that has been set in the SPEKTRAL Journal, including in writing references. Document templates can be accessed here. Only manuscripts that match the template will be forwarded to the reviewers.
  6. The author agrees to use OJS (Open Journal System) in the editing and publishing process..
  7. All submitted articles will be reviewed by experts in their respective fields taking into account aspects of originality, relevance, scientific validity and impact on science and technology.
  8. As a commitment to the fast publication process, the editor will try to carry out the review process within 4 weeks. If the author does not receive any information within that time, please contact the editor.