Faktor Keamanan dan E-Service Quality Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Fintech Lending Aplikasi Kredivo.


  • Efryanto Politeknik Negeri Jakarta


This research aims to analyze the effect of security and e-service quality on the decision to use the Kredivo application fintech lending. This research was conducted on Kredivo users with the provisions of the age of the respondent, namely 18-35 years. The number of samples in this study consisted of 100 respondents. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with analysis tool, namely SPSS version 26.0. The results showed that the security and e-service quality variables partially have a significant effect on the decision to use of the fintech lending Kredivo application. Based on the simultaneous test results it was found that security and e-service quality have a significant effect on the decision to use of the fintech lending Kredivo application. The results of this research are expected to be beneficial for PT FinAccel Digital Indonesia as an additional reference in investigating the factors that influence the user’s decision to use the Kredivo application.


Keywords:Security, E-Service Quality; Decision to Use; Fintech Lending; Kredivo Application.


