Penerapan Telemarketing dalam Pemasaran Terhadap Visitor Pada Indonesia Infrastructure Week 2019 oleh PT Tarsus Indonesia


Andya Galuh Dermawan Putra


Marketing is one of tools to succeed an event. Event marketing is used to build communication process to the market effectively. Telemarketing, as one of direct marketing tools, makes marketer to communicate directly with the prospective visitor. Telemarketing will be successful if the marketer can comply indicators which is related to the procedure and product communication in applying telemarketing. This research contains explanation whether PT Tarsus Indonesia used the telemarketing method according to the indicators in succeeding telemarketing or not. The purpose of this study is to determine to know the indicator in succeeding telemarketing. The result showed that PT Tarsus Indonesia had applied two telemarketing methods such as in-bound telemarketing and outbound telemarketing. They also did the telemarketing according to the indicators.
