Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Katamata
					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Katamata
Published: 2023-10-31


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Jurnal Katamata is a journal that focuses on publishing visual communication design work articles as an output from visual communication design applied research. The scopes of this journal are branding, promotional media, packaging design, publication design, sign systems, and other related fields of Visual Communication Design.

Jurnal Katamata was first published by Politeknik Negeri Jakarta in 2023. It is published two times a year in April and October. Each issue consists of a minimum of 5 articles/reviews. Authors do not need to pay any fees to register and submit articles.


Jurnal Katamata is currently accepting manuscripts to be considered for publication in the future issues of the journal. Submission deadline for future issues:

Volume 2 Number 1
Published April 2024
Submission deadline: 28 Februari 2024

Check author guidelines and use article template to submit paper in Jurnal Katamata.