
Ince Dian Aprilyani Azir
Widi Sriyanto
Nurianti Sitorus
Feransi Anggria


English language proficiency is a cornerstone of success in the globalized digital media landscape, making it crucial for multimedia students to acquire strong speaking skills. To address this need, this study explores the potential of leveraging Virtual Reality (VR) and Digital Storytelling (DS) technologies to enhance English speaking skills among multimedia students. This research aims to assess the effectiveness of these innovative technologies in improving language learning outcomes and the overall educational experience. In the fast-evolving realm of educational technology, VR offers immersive and interactive environments that mimic real-life scenarios, fostering experiential and contextual learning. DS, on the other hand, engages students in content creation, stimulating creativity, comprehension, and language skills. By combining these two technologies, this study creates a dynamic and engaging language learning environment tailored to the unique needs of multimedia students. The methodology of this study involves a two-phase approach. In the first phase, students experience English-speaking scenarios in VR, including ordering in a restaurant, conducting interviews, and negotiating business deals. Immersive VR environments are created using headsets, enabling students to practice English within real-world contexts. In the second phase, students actively engage in DS by creating digital stories that involve dialogue, scriptwriting, and narrative development, all requiring the use of English. Data is collected through pre-and post-study assessments, surveys, and interviews with participating students. Preliminary findings suggest that the integration of VR and DS technologies has a profound impact on English speaking skills. Students reported improved pronunciation, fluency, and increased confidence in speaking English. Additionally, DS technology enhances creativity, storytelling skills, and conversational proficiency. This study highlights the significant potential of VR and DS technologies to enhance English language learning in multimedia programs. The findings provide support for the incorporation of these technologies into language education, creating a more engaging and effective learning experience for multimedia students.


How to Cite
Azir, I. D. A., Sriyanto, W. ., Sitorus, N. ., & Anggria, F. . (2023). LEVERAGING VR AND DS TECHNOLOGY FOR ENHANCING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS AMONG MULTIMEDIA STUDENTS. Epigram, 20(2), 218–223. https://doi.org/10.32722/epi.v20i2.6319