Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Mujigae Resto Depok


Menik Wijiyanti
Iis Mariam
Yusthika Prasetya Probo Dewi


This research is conducted to analyze the influence of service quality toward costumer loyalty Mujigae Resto Depok. This is quantitative research with descriptive analysis. The sample of this research are people who ever come to Mujigae Resto Depok minimum two times in last six months. This research using validation test, reliability test, normality test, linearity test, and hypothesis test consisting of simple linear reggresion analysis, determination coefficient analysis (R2), partial statistic analysis (t test), and simple linear reggresion analysis. Based on the result of determination coefficient analysis (R2), amount 34,9% of costumer loyalty Mujigae Resto Depok is influenced by service quality. It can be concluded that service quality has a significant influence toward costumer loyalty Mujigae Resto Depok.


How to Cite
Wijiyanti, M., Mariam, I., & Dewi, Y. P. P. (2019). Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Mujigae Resto Depok. Epigram, 16(2), 195–204.


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