Construction and Material Journal <p>Construction and Material Journal (<a href=";1546880654&amp;1&amp;&amp;"><strong>e-ISSN 2655-9625</strong></a>) is one of journals in the discipline of Civil Engineering from vocational school, covering basic of Civil Engineering; Structure, Material Technology, Construction Methods, Construction Management, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Surveying and Highway Engineering. This journal is published by <strong>Politeknik Negeri Jakarta</strong>, intended for engineering student, lecturer, professional and engineering association member in civil works, and other community in Civil Engineering. This journal has been Accredited Rank 5 based on Decree Number 204/E/KPT/2022. The journal offers the Authors to publish their paper works in the Civil Engineering from their research result, work experience, etc. and never published it in elsewhere. The journal issues would be published in <strong>three times a year (March, July and November).</strong></p> <p>Articles are selected by a blind peer-review system to get objectivity and be opened for everyone, regardless of educational background to be able to contribute. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) address issued from Crossref is, and has used the <strong>Turnitin</strong> software as the Plagiarism Tool.</p> en-US [email protected] (Tri Widya Swastika) [email protected] (Tri Widya Swastika, S.T., M.T) Thu, 23 Nov 2023 04:56:28 +0000 OJS 60 ANALISIS KAPASITAS DAYA DUKUNG PONDASI DANGKAL TERHADAP KEDALAMAN (STUDI KASUS: KALIMANTAN) <p><strong><em>The bearing capacity of the foundation is the ability of the soil to withstand the pressure or load of the building on the ground safely without causing shear failure or excessive decrease. The bearing capacity value of a soil is based on the characteristics of the subgrade soil. The analysis was conducted using the Mayerhoft (1963) and Hana (1981) methodologies in the West Kalimantan and South Kalimantan areas. The results of calculations at the South Kalimantan location yielded values of 11.9 kN for the load P = 5 kN with a depth of 0.5 m and dimensions of 1x1 m, and 11.9 kN for the load P = 10 kN with dimensions of 1x1 m at a depth of 0.5 m. The West Kalimantan location obtained values for loads P = 5kN and 10kN with a depth of 0.5 m, so this condition is unqualified for the allowable bearing capacity. Compared to areas in West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan is still able to satisfy the requirements for shallow foundation bearing capability.</em></strong></p> Rini Trisno Lestari, Ayu Herzanita Y, Muhammad Husnul Karim Copyright (c) 2023 Construction and Material Journal Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EVALUASI KINERJA STRUKTUR JEMBATAN INTEGRAL DARI PERUBAHAN STRUKTUR JEMBATAN PARSIAL <p><em><strong>The Serpong-Balaraja Section 1A toll road construction project's Foresta bridge structure had a modification in span length from 40 meters to 41,386 meters without changing the girder's specifications. The structural system switches from partial bridges to integrated beams to reduce the number of field moments caused by span changes. With the change in the structural system, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of the bridge structure with an integral system by checking the cross-sectional capacity, comparing the negative moment resisting reinforcement from the analysis with the existing conditions, and determining the reinforcement that can be used if the integral bridge is inadequate. With the help of software, evaluation is carried out by checking the ability of the cross section to withstand moments and checking its deflection and shear forces. Based on the results of the analysis, the moment capacity of the middle section is 18198.38 kN.m., and the moment of the load capacity is 7829.824 kN.m. This indicates that the middle capacity has been in service. With a load moment capacity of 11335.04 kNm and an end cross-sectional capacity of 9401.26 kN.m, the performance of the cross section is not serviceable. In addition, the bridge deflection meets the allowable deflection limit of 51.73 mm after the bridge is integrated because previously the partial bridge deflection was 79.83 mm, and after being integrated, it became 23.28 m. Furthermore, the shear forces of the partial bridge (1599,162 kN) and the integral bridge (1585,009 kN) are less than the maximum shear force that can be carried, which is 6934,12 kN. Based on the analysis results, D32-100 negative moment resisting reinforcement is needed, while the existing condition reinforcement uses D32-150. This indicates that the structure requires reinforcement. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) was chosen as reinforcement in reference to 022/BM/2011 because it is superior in several ways.</strong></em></p> Andi Indianto, Reni Noviani Copyright (c) 2023 Construction and Material Journal Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 KAJIAN TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK DAN BIAYA KECELAKAAN LALU LINTAS (STUDI KASUS: KOTA JAKARTA TIMUR) <p><strong><em>Accidents that occur cause a lot of losses, both material and immaterial, as well as casualties. Treatment costs incurred as a result of a traffic accident are generally not small; even the consequences of these events can cause loss of productivity due to physical disability, trauma, prolonged suffering, or the loss of family members. This unfavorable impact certainly requires attention so that the number of accident victims and other losses can be reduced. Based on the results of research that took a case study of the City of East Jakarta using the Gross Output (Human Capital) method, it was found that the cost of accident victims in 2017 was Rp. 8,832,985,950, in 2018 Rp. 9,348,389,804, in 2019 Rp. 9,011,133,897, in 2020 Rp. 12,072,189,290, and in 2021 it is Rp. 18,271,067,371.</em></strong></p> Indah Handayasari, Irma Sepriyanna, Mohammad Aqrobin Qoedi Copyright (c) 2023 Construction and Material Journal Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH PEMADATAN BETON U-DITCH MENGGUNAKAN METODE GETAR EKSTERNAL TERHADAP POROSITAS <p><strong><em>Conventional compaction of concrete causes the concrete to have many cavities or porosity, which is often referred to as porous concrete. The process of making U-Ditch concrete has a level of difficulty because the smaller the size of the U-Ditch, the more difficult it is to compact the concrete. To overcome the occurrence of voids, innovative compaction methods are needed so that concrete can be produced perfectly. The external vibration method is a vibration method using a dynamo outside the U-Ditch mold. The U-Ditch research material (concrete mold) is vibrated by placing a vibrating dynamo at a distance of ¼ U-Ditch height, ½ U-Ditch height, and ¾ U-Ditch height. U-Ditch concrete is made from a mixture of sand, dust, cement, and water in a ratio of 3:1 and uses formwork made of steel as one of the formwork innovations. The compaction process is carried out for a duration of 15-20 minutes, with the dynamo specifications used being a dynamo with a frequency of 50/60 Hz. From the research results, it can be found that porous concrete with the external vibration method of compaction has the lowest level of porosity with the position of the vibrating tool at ½ the height of the U-Ditch, namely 0-5% porosity.</em></strong></p> Safri Safri, Kartika Hapsari Sutantiningrum Copyright (c) 2023 Construction and Material Journal Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS TRANSFER TOWER DENGAN METODE ASD DAN LRFD <p><strong><em>The Banko Barat Tanjung Enim transfer tower is a coal handling facility. The operating loads in transfer tower buildings with steel structures are transferred to the base via the pedestal column. In this example, the pedestal column attached to the anchor bolt serves as the transition material from the steel structure to the concrete structure. Connections must be evaluated in order to minimize structural failure due to internal forces generated. The calculations are performed using two methods: LRFD (Load Resistance Factor Design) and ASD (Allowable Safety Design). The response spectrum analysis approach was applied, which was aided by the SAP 2000 application program. The analytical findings show that the structure of the transfer tower is strong against internal forces caused by operating loads, whether employing the LRFD approach or the ASD method. These two approaches conclude that the LRFD method allows the transfer tower structure to sustain nominal shear loads up to 59% higher than the ASD method, while the tensile resistance of anchor bolts is up to 22% higher than the ASD method.</em></strong></p> Rama Tri Afit, Deded Eka Sahputra, Rafki Imani, Nanda Nanda Copyright (c) 2023 Construction and Material Journal Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PERANCANGAN SOIL NAILING PADA DINDING LAPISAN TANAH LUNAK <p><strong><em>Soil nailing is one of reinforcement system to increase the Safety Factor (SF) of the slope. One case at Tukad Ayung Bridge, there is a slope sliding potential during construction because the process cutting and filling works. This research would predict some displacement occurred after the soil nailing implementation. The prediction analysis of SF uses Geoslope program. Bishop method is selected to evaluate for simulation analysis on each segment based on the acting forces. Simulation analysis manually on existing condition identified the SF = 1.376 and using Geoslope program resulted SF = 1.276. After the cutting and filling works with earthquake influence on existing condition show the SF = 0.390 and could be classified as susceptible to landslides (SF &lt; 1.3 without reinforcement). Soil nailing design with a vertical and horizontal directions in size 1 m multiplied with 1 m resulted SF = 1.321. Thus, the soil nailing reinforcement could increase 70% from the existing conditions.</em></strong></p> Rabbani Isya Ramadhan, Putera Agung Maha Agung Copyright (c) 2023 Construction and Material Journal Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS PENGUKURAN RELATIVE IMPORTANCE INDEX (RII) UNTUK MENENTUKAN PERINGKAT FAKTOR PENYEBAB KETERLAMBATAN PEKERJAAN KANOPI PROYEK EAST CONNECTION TAXIWAY BANDARA SOEKARNO-HATTA <p class="Style4"><em><strong><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">The Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is a very busy international airport that requires development to enhance its capacity. The development undertaken involves the taxiway infrastructure. In the East Connection Taxiway Phase I Project at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, an aircraft bridge was constructed above the highway connecting the north and south runways. To mitigate the impact of jet blasts and aircraft engine noise pollution on road users, a canopy with a steel structure was constructed. The project faced delays during implementation, necessitating the identification of the causes of these delays as well as an assessment of their relevance. As a result, the purpose of this study is to calculate the Relative Importance Index (RII) and rank the causes driving project delays. Design Planning (X1), Materials (X2), Labor (X3), Equipment (X4), Financial Conditions (X5), Design Changes (X6), Schedule and Construction Supervision (X7), and Environmental and Social Factors (X8) are among the variables investigated. A quantitative survey with descriptive analysis was used as the research approach. Financial Conditions (X5) is ranked highest with a RII value of 0.864, and Schedule and Construction Supervision (X7) is placed last with a RII value of 0.750, according to the data. This study is planned to serve as a reference for future canopy installations on taxiways that straddle public roadways.</span></strong></em></p> Pungky Dharma Saputra, Arif Hidayat Copyright (c) 2023 Construction and Material Journal Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 STUDI NILAI KUAT GESER TANAH HAMBALANG BERDASARKAN KADAR AIR <p><strong><em>Soft soils have low strength and easy to compress when they are loaded. A soil compaction test is performed to measure maximum soil density at the optimum water content to evaluate the strength of soft soil. To maintain these circumstances, however, efforts are necessary to preserve the water content at optimal levels, which is not easy. In actual condition the compacted soil can still be penetrated by water through soil cracks occurred especially on the slopes. The shear strength of the soil will decrease if rainwater infiltration is excessive. In a laboratory investigation, direct shear testing (ASTM D3080 - SNI 3420:2016) was used to determine how changes in the value of the Hambalang clay soil shear strength as reflected by the cohesion value (c) and the soil shear angle (f). Creating soil samples with a fixed density and variations in water content (w). The test results at w = 14.47% obtained c = 0.047 kg/cm2, f = 45.75⁰; at w = 21.75% obtained c = 0.203 kg/cm2, f = 33.39⁰, at w = 26.62% obtained c = 0.186 kg/cm2, f = 24.10⁰, at w= 31.59% obtained c = 0.086 kg/cm2, f = 21.90⁰ and at w = 33.70% obtained c = 0.082 kg/cm2, f = 21.21⁰. From these results it can be concluded that the largest of cohesion and angle of internal friction or strength parameter values will reach at optimum moisture content.</em></strong></p> Istiatun Istiatun, Handi Sudardja, Sarito Sarito Copyright (c) 2023 Construction and Material Journal Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000