
Agum Setya Sugama
Iwan Supriyadi


Surabaya–Gempol Toll Road is a toll that has operated since 1986, but in 2006 the Porong-Gempol route collapsed due to lapindo mud flow. Therefore, the toll road needs a relocation. On the construction of its relocation, additional scope of work was added and affected the feasibility of the investment which must be put into consideration for analyzing purposes in order to regain the initial feasibility value of 14.84% IRR. The forecast of cost and income analyzed with financial approach. The method used are Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) with a discount rate of 11.8%. The result of investment feasibility after additional scope of work shows that the NPV during concession period (39 years) is negative Rp459.150.000.000,00 and IRR at NPV = 0 is 9,55%. To return the feasibility value, concession period is must be increase to 50 years with adjustment of the toll fee to Rp1.625 in 2021 and Rp1.980 in 2023. It shows that NPV is Rp1.037.727.000.000,00 and IRR at NPV = 0 return to 14,84%.

Keywords: Additional Scope of Work, Compensation, Feasibility, Relocation.



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