Proses Registrasi Peserta Perlombaan Soccer 3on3 pada Acara King of The Cage 2018
Registration process is an initial step that must be done by participant of the competition event. Registration process has an impact on participant’s data collection that become a reference of the competition event successes. This research contains all registration process from preparation and implementation of the soccer 3on3 competition at an event called King of The Cage 2018 which held by PT Teras Ide MICE. The main purpose of this research are to identify and discuss every step of registration process that must be done by participants so that the event went smoothly. Data collection is done by observation and interviews. The method that used in this research to analyze all data is qualitative descriptive. The result of this research are showing all the registration process and all the trouble that faced at the competition event. This research expected can become a reference to a registration of next competition event and to the next research for developing registration system at the competition event.
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