Proses Pelaksanaan Registrasi Kegiatan Konferensi Studi Kasus: Event Our Ocean Conference 2018 oleh Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
The field of MICE that consists of Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition has become the most developing industry in Indonesia. Convention has been one of the activity focus which held either nationally or internationally. In an international conference activities, there are many important aspects of concern for organizers to get a successful event. One of the important aspect is the activities of the registration. This research aims to observing the implementation process of re-registration and registration on site at the event Our Ocean Conference 2018. The good implementation of the registration process is one of the factors in the success of an event. Implementation process of registration can run well and smoothly if there is a registration system that is clear and organized. In this study used qualitative methods which can be determined by observation of the object examined. The results of this research is to know the process of the implementation of the registration system on site registration event on Our Ocean Conference 2018 can run well and efficiently.

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