Proses Business matching dalam Pameran Franchise and License Expo Indonesia 2018
The purpose of this research is to describe and also to explain the role of business matching programs in the Franchise and License Expo Indonesia exhibition. The exhibition connects franchise business people with potential investors from various communities to create a business. The relationship in here is between visitors and exhibitor in an exhibition. This study uses a qualitative description approach. Data is generated through informal interviews, direct observation and documentation. The results show that business matching programs have an important role in helping business people to connect and make a business relationship and continue to increase each year. Business matching program indirectly increases the number of visitors too for each year. The process of matching business people requires segmentation of exhibitor’s products, with this segmentation it will be easier to matched even though the segmentation is not one hundred percent suitable but the business matching program has opened the main road to make two parties of business enthusiasts form relationships with each other, collaborate and get benefits from this.

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