Peran Edukasi dan Pelatihan Kemasan Dalam Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM)
DOI: Kunci:
culinary, labelling, material, packaging, regulation, SMEsAbstrak
One of the problems often faced by SME entrepreneurs is the lack of knowledge about the right type of material to use according to the product they have and the design and composition of labels according to applicable regulations. Packaging designs and labels become icons that can make these products competitive and attract more consumers. So that the main goal of SME entrepreneurs is achieved, namely increasing turnover. Among them, P-IRT/MD permits, halal certificates, product composition, serving sizes, serving suggestions, and storage suggestions, so that consumer safety in consuming these products can run well. Dapoer Ikan partners Umi Ali and Rendang Bu Guru are SMEs that do not yet have a P-IRT permit and labels that do not comply with food packaging regulations. The knowledge that is still minimal about this is the background for the TICK Study Program to carry out community-based science and technology services regarding improving the quality of packaging for the UKM Dapoer Ikan Umi Ali and Rendang Bu Guru through socialization and training. The implementation of the service is carried out through offline educational seminars and training regarding 1) Packaging design for SMEs that sell; 2) Appropriate material selection and 3) Appropriate SME packaging regulations. This activity aims to make partners able to compete better by having packaging that is in accordance with regulations and attractive label designs and TICK Study Program can apply their knowledge to Dapoer Ikan Partners Umi Ali and Rendang Bu Guru. The results of the evaluation of participants' activities became more knowledgeable about the world of packaging and all participants agreed to hold seminars and training activities like this on a regular and continuous basis so that packaging, product quality and product sales turnover increased.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Deli Silvia, Wiwi Prastiwinarti, Muryeti, Rina Ningtyas, Saeful Imam (Author)
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