This study aims to see the application of labor law in the development of tourist villages in Bogor Regency. The implementation of labor laws in tourist villages in Bogor Regency is important to ensure the protection of workers' rights in the tourism sector. So it is necessary to conduct an analysis of how labor laws are applied and complied with in the tourist village. The application of labor laws can help ensure that workers in the tourism sector receive the protection they receive in accordance with applicable regulations. With a focus on community empowerment through tourism villages, this study will analyze the role of labor law in improving the welfare and participation of local communities. Through a qualitative approach and field studies, this research will provide in-depth insights into how labor law can be an effective instrument in supporting the development of tourism villages. This research will explore how the implementation of labor regulations such as minimum wage and working hours can affect the development of tourist villages in Bogor Regency. By engaging local stakeholders, the study will also evaluate
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