Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Fasilitas yang Disediakan LBPP LIA DEPOK


Ahmad Afdal
Tuti Hartati


Penelitianini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui bagaimanakepuasan pelangganterhadapfasilitasdiLBPP(Lembaga BahasaDanPendidikanProfesional) LIADEPOK.FasilitisdiLBPPLIADEPOKadalahparkir, kantin, ruang tunggu, perpustakaandan sebagainya.PenggunafasilitasLBPPLIADEPOKdalampenelitian ini adalahSD, SMPdanSMA.
Metodepenelitian ini adalahmetodekuantitatif. Sampel penelitianiniadalah seratussiswaSD, seratussiswaSMPdanseratussiswaSMA. Instrumen yang digunakanadalahkursioner.
Kemudianhipotesissementara adalah (1) siswasekolah dasartidak terlaluberharapfasility. (2) siswaSMPmulai mengharapkanfasility. (3) siswaSMAmengharapkanfasiltyketika merekamenjadikonsumendariLBPPLIADepok.Prosespenelitian inimenggunakaneditingini, encoding, tabulasiamdakhirnyacocluding

KataKunci :KepuasanPelanggan ,KursusbahasaInggris, LIA, Pengajaran, Hubungan

The propose of this research to know how user’s saticfaction of providing fasility in LBPP (Lembaga Bahasa dan Pendidikan Profesional) LIA DEPOK. Fasilitis in LBPP LIA DEPOK are parking, canteen, waiting room, library and so on. Users of LBPP LIA DEPOK’s fasility in this research are elementary school, junior high school and senior high school.
Methode of this research is quantitative methode. The samples of this research are 100 student of elementary school, 100 student of junior high school and 100 student of senior high school. Instrument used is questionary list.
And then temporare hipotesist are (1) student of elementary school not too expect fasility. (2) student of junior high school begin to expect fasility. (3) student of senior high school expect fasilty when they are become consument of LBPP LIA DEPOk.
The process of this research use editing, encoding , tabulating amd finally cocluding.

Keyword : Customer satisfaction, BPP LIA DEPOK’s English class, User / Stake holders,


How to Cite
Afdal, A., & Hartati, T. (2015). Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Fasilitas yang Disediakan LBPP LIA DEPOK. EPIGRAM (e-Journal), 11(1).