Pengelolaan Kesan Roleplayer K-Pop Melalui Media Sosial Twitter (Studi Dramaturgi Pada Akun Twitter Fandom Di Kota Bandung)


Ivy Mahrani Aulia
Mohamad Syahriar Sugandi


Korean Wave has become a trend in Indonesia, which was started with the high popularity of K-Drama (Korean Drama) back in the 2000s among the Indonesian. Along with the high interest in society, the Korean government kept spreading this Korean wave. In 2011, the Korean music industry, known as K-Pop started to appear and arise a big group; boyband and girlband. Since then, some fandoms or an assemblage of people who puts a high interest in them. The fandom members usually make some activities, one of the activities in the new media is a roleplay.Roleplay is one type of the games on social media played by individuals by acting like him/herself, potraying and imitating the characters that was delivered with how he/she writes status and responds to comments from others. This study focuses on the impression management of K-Pop Roleplayers on social media Twitter with qualitative research methods and dramaturgy approach to the three informants whom are the active Roleplayers on Twitter. Based on the results of the research of K-Pop Roleplayers on social media Twitter to keep and form a positive impression at the front stage is the Timeline. This research was also using the middle stage, Roleplayers perform displacement from Timeline towards more personal media such as direct message and KakaoTalk. As form some of the preparations made by the players at the back stage through was that pre-survey idol character through a variety show on YouTube.



How to Cite
Aulia, I. M., & Sugandi, M. S. (2020). Pengelolaan Kesan Roleplayer K-Pop Melalui Media Sosial Twitter (Studi Dramaturgi Pada Akun Twitter Fandom Di Kota Bandung). EPIGRAM (e-Journal), 17(1), 75–84.


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