
Safri Safri
Kartika Hapsari Sutantiningrum


Conventional compaction of concrete causes the concrete to have many cavities or porosity, which is often referred to as porous concrete. The process of making U-Ditch concrete has a level of difficulty because the smaller the size of the U-Ditch, the more difficult it is to compact the concrete. To overcome the occurrence of voids, innovative compaction methods are needed so that concrete can be produced perfectly. The external vibration method is a vibration method using a dynamo outside the U-Ditch mold. The U-Ditch research material (concrete mold) is vibrated by placing a vibrating dynamo at a distance of ¼ U-Ditch height, ½ U-Ditch height, and ¾ U-Ditch height. U-Ditch concrete is made from a mixture of sand, dust, cement, and water in a ratio of 3:1 and uses formwork made of steel as one of the formwork innovations. The compaction process is carried out for a duration of 15-20 minutes, with the dynamo specifications used being a dynamo with a frequency of 50/60 Hz. From the research results, it can be found that porous concrete with the external vibration method of compaction has the lowest level of porosity with the position of the vibrating tool at ½ the height of the U-Ditch, namely 0-5% porosity.



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