
Mayang Millanda
Muhammad Angga Pratama
Suripto Suripto


Formwork is a tool for molding concrete to the desired size and shape. The implementation of the formwork in the Kingland Avenue Serpong Apartment construction project uses all-in-one formwork. The structural implementation system in the formwork of columns, beams, and floor slabs is carried out together. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strength of the formwork on beams, columns, and floor slabs on the Kingsland Avenue Apartment Project. Data collection techniques using literature study, field visits, and interviews are used to achieve the objectives of this paper. The overall strength analysis of the Aluko formwork results supports the working loads and does not exceed the allowable stresses and deflections. Based on the results of the analysis, the column strength at the wall panel bending stress is 98.32 N/mm2, and the deflection strength is 0.98 mm. The results of the analysis showed that the strength of the beam and floor slab at the deck panel bending stress was 48.16 N/mm2, and the deflection strength was 3.17 mm.

Keywords: Aluko, Formwork, Method.




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