
Rabbani Isya Ramadhan
Putera Agung Maha Agung


Soil nailing is one of reinforcement system to increase the Safety Factor (SF) of the slope. One case at Tukad Ayung Bridge, there is a slope sliding potential during construction because the process cutting and filling works. This research would predict some displacement occurred after the soil nailing implementation. The prediction analysis of SF uses Geoslope program.  Bishop method is selected to evaluate for simulation analysis on each segment based on the acting forces. Simulation analysis manually on existing condition identified the SF = 1.376 and using Geoslope program resulted SF = 1.276. After the cutting and filling works with earthquake influence on existing condition show the SF = 0.390 and could be classified as susceptible to landslides (SF < 1.3 without reinforcement). Soil nailing design with a vertical and horizontal directions in size 1 m multiplied with 1 m resulted SF = 1.321. Thus, the soil nailing reinforcement could increase 70% from the existing conditions.



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