
Fadel Muhammad Haykal
Zana Hary Barus
Sutikno Sumomihardjo


Many regions in Indonesia have a variety of soil types, one of which is expansive soil. Expansive soil has high shrinkage to be used as one of the road construction materials. The problem that is often faced in road construction with a subgrade layer of expansive soil is the high swelling potential. This research aims to find out the soil bearing capacity of expansive soil as subgrade layer when given a variation in water content above the value of OMC with 2 conditions,  soaked and unsoaked. From research results it was found that the increase of water content and treatment conditions on the soil affected the soil bearing capacity of the soil, where in the  unsoaked conditions, the higher the water content the greater the soil bearing capacity is. In soaked conditions, the higher the water content, the smaller the soil bearing capacity is. The higher the water content is, the smaller the swelling is.

Keywords: Expansive Soil, Compaction, OMC, CBR, Shear Strength, Swelling.



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