
Febri Triwahyu
Habsyah Dwieka Mahrum


Implementation of construction method must be achieved in terms of cost, quality and time planned. The use of appropriate work methods is beneficial in the completion of construction. The implementation of the RW-3 Retaining Wall work on the Depok-Antasari Paket 1 Selatan Toll Road Project at Sta 6 + 020 - 6 + 100, Depok - West Java. Must choose the proper construction method because the project area is located close to traffic flow on public roads that can cause traffic disruptions; therefore, effective, and efficient time management is needed in its implementation. This final project aims to find out the process of carrying out the bored pile and retaining wall foundation work, which includes preparatory work, measurement/surveying work, drilling work, lean concrete work, reinforcement fabrication, installation of formwork, and casting. In carrying out its work, an analysis is made of labor productivity, tools, and materials that influence the time of work implementation. In addition, the other goal is to find out the obstacles that occur in the field and the solutions made in solving these obstacles. The implementation of all work went well according to plan because selecting a suitable method and anticipating obstacles that occur in the field.

Keywords: Bored Pile, Constraints, Productivity, Retaining Wall, Work.



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