
Firya Adilah
Achmad Nadjam


The increasing needs of community travel in DKI Jakarta area that is not balanced with the growth of roads have resulted in traffic congestion. One effort to address the problem is to implement a traffic restriction policy using Electronic Road Pricing system (ERP). This research aims to analyze the existing condition of traffic characteristics on the road sections reviewed, analyze the opportunities of road users mobility against ERP system, and analyze the potential implementation of ERP system. Data collected from traffic survey results and distribution of questionnaires to users of four-wheeled vehicles. To analyze the existing condition of traffic characteristics using the calculation method of Pedoman Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 2014, and to analyze the chances of  road users to ERP system using binary Logistic regression analysis method. Meanwhile, to analyze the potential implementation of ERP system is to compare the cost of congestion before ERP with predictions when ERP policy is implemented. From the results of the calculations and analysis, the road condition will experience a decrease in vehicle volume by 50% when ERP system is applied so that the degree of saturation in the road is very good compared to the condition before implementation of ERP system. Besides, there are congestion cost savings of Rp.532,291.998/hour for rush hour and Rp.294,167.785/hour for peak hours when ERP system is implemented. Therefore, the result is that the ERP system has good potential to be applied to reduce congestion in DKI Jakarta.

Keywords : Congestion Cost, Traffic, Electronic Road Pricing (ERP), Displacement Opportunities.



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