POTENSI DESA WISATA DI YOGYAKARTA SEBAGAI DESTINASI INSENTIF Program Studi Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition, Jurusan Administrasi Niaga, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Section Articles


Ellen Rifkin Muthmainnah
Firman Syah


Yogyakarta is an area in Central Java that has a variety of tourist villages that are equipped with various facilities and attractions that are unique and interesting. Tourist villages in Yogyakarta have the potential to become destinations for organizing MICE events, namely incentive travel. Examples of tourist villages that have great potential for organizing incentive trips are Tinalah tourist village in Kulon Progo and Nglanggeran tourist village in Gunung Kidul because these two villages already have a variety of adequate facilities and attractions that have the potential to be developed. This research is an effort to identify in more detail the potential that is owned, so that the character of tourist villages that can become incentive travel destinations can be known.
Keywords : Tourist villages, Incentive Travel
