Penggunaan RFID pada Indonesia Muda Online Registration System dalam Event TNI International Marathon 2018


Ulfie Umar
Etty Kongrat


Registration process is the initial process that must be passed by the participants and can also influence the participant’s first impression of the organization of an event, and the smoothness of the registration process is one of the success factors for an event. For this reason, it is necessary to use an organized registration system so that the registration process runs smoothly and efficiently. The development of the Indonesia Muda Online Registration System (IMORS) equipped with RFID technology on the implementation of the TNI International Marathon 2018 event became the choice of PT Indonesia Muda Kreasi. By using technology at IMORS, the registration process is much faster, can produce neater registration results, dynamic data processing, and also the chips that can be one of the event’s souvenir. The process of collecting data is done by observation and interviews, supported by theories and references from various journals and books.
