Proses Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan Manajemen Logistik pada Festival Oktobeerfeast 2018


Muhamad Abi Hasan Ahfas
Maswir -


This study aims to find out how the planning and implementation process of logistics management in an event is based on direct observation of the activities of the Oktobeerfeast 2018 Festival by PT Samsara Indonesia Sentosa. To meet all logistical needs at an event, a logistical management that includes planning and implementation is needed, for smooth and successful events. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method using observation, documentation and interview techniques. From the results of the research in the planning process, a meeting was held by the organizer with the service provider to understand the needs of the event in terms of logistics. After that, discuss the design concept, conduct site inspection, determine the production material, and prepare the budget for the offer to the organizer. While in the process of implementing the service provider coordinating with the production team, conducting a technical meeting with the organizers and Gandaria City as the provider of venue events, carrying out loading in, monitoring during the event, and carrying out loading out.
