Pengaruh Rasio Profitabilitas Terhadap Return Saham Di Perusahaan Lq 45 2013 – 2016


Nila Sari
Husnil Barry
Nidia Sofa


This study seeks to learn some fundamental variables that can be used as tools of prediction short period of return on investment. The object of the research used in this research is the company LQ 45 for periode research 2013-2016. The variables examined are ROE and EPS. Analytical techniques used in this research are multiple linear regression. This research was conducted with quantitative methods against the company’s financial report LQ 45 during the period 2013-2016. Total sample research company that was determined through the method of purposive sampling. Method of hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression. The results of this research are partially of two independent variables examined, the effect significantly to return shares is ROE. Simultaneously variable ROE and EPS provide significant effect against the return of shares.



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